As of 9/17/24 WPE Board of Manager have suspended trading until further notice.
Western Plains Energy, L.L.C. (WPE) is a Kansas limited liability company formed on July 10, 2001 to build and operate an ethanol production facility in Gove County, Kansas. WPE was organized by a group of local individuals to promote economic development in northwest Kansas. The initial construction of the plant commenced in April of 2003 and was completed by early January 2004.
Production started in the middle of January 2004, producing fuel grade ethanol as well as distiller’s dry and wet grains. The feedstock of corn and milo is procured from local farmers, of which some are members, and local commercial grain elevators.
The plant was designed and built by ICM of Colwich, Kansas with Fagen as a major subcontractor. The original plant was a 30,000,000 gallon faceplate design which was increased to 40,000,000 gallons as part of an expansion in 2005. As of September 30, 2011, WPE was producing at the rate of approximately 50,000,000 gallons of denatured ethanol annually. POET Ethanol Products markets all of WPE’s ethanol and United Bio Energy Ingredients markets the distiller’s grain.
WPE effected a reclassification of its outstanding membership units on August 22, 2011 under which (i) the Class A units held by holders of record with less than 30 but greater than 14 Class A units were reclassified into newly created Class E units on the basis of one Class E unit for each Class A unit held prior to the reclassification; (ii) the Class B units held by holders of record with less than 30 but greater than 14 Class B units were reclassified into Class E units on the basis of one Class E unit for each Class B unit held prior to the reclassification; (iii) Class A units held by holders of record with less than 14 Class A units were reclassified into Class C units on the basis of one Class C unit for each Class A unit held prior to the reclassification; and (iv) Class B units held by holders of record with less than 14 Class B units were reclassified into Class C units on the basis of one Class C unit for each Class A unit held prior to the reclassification. As a result of this reclassification, WPE has filed to suspend its reporting obligations with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As of September 1, 2011, there were 8,528 Class A units, 11,809 Class B units, 935 Class C units, and 7,148 Class E units outstanding.
Holders of Class A units may cast one vote per member on matters described under voting rights for Class A members and may vote to elect or remove four managers.
Holders of Class B units may cast one vote per unit held on matters described under voting rights for Class B members and may vote to elect or remove three managers.
Class C holders may cast one vote per unit held on limited matters as described under voting rights for Class C members.
Class E holders may cast one vote per member on matters described under voting rights for Class E members and may vote to elect or remove two managers.
Class A units and Class B units must be transferred in minimum increments of 30 units.
East Kansas Agri-Energy, LLC Garnett, KS |
Glacial Lakes Corn Processors Watertown, SD |
Golden Grain Energy, LLC Mason City, IA |
Homeland Energy Solutions, LLC. Lawler, IA |
Iowa Renewable Energy Washington, IA |
Lake Area Corn Processors, LLC Wentworth, SD |
POET Sioux Falls, SD |
Redfield Energy, LLC Redfield, SD |
Ringneck Energy, LLC Onida, SD |
South Dakota Soybean Processors, LLC Volga, SD |
U.S. Premium Beef, LLC Kansas City, MO |
Western Dubuque Biodiesel, LLC Farley, IA |
Western Plains Energy, LLC Oakley, KS |