Al-Corn is currently in a Black Out Period.
Please call 507-681-7100 with any questions.
Founded in 1994, Al-Corn Clean Fuel was created when depressed corn prices drove local farmers to seek new opportunities to add value to their corn crop.
For two decades Al-Corn Clean Fuel has created a guaranteed and stable market for corn, maintained a strong cash position during an uncertain economy and made investments that added significant value for members and their local communities.
Today, the Al-Corn Clean Fuel plant utilizes a dry milling process, the most commonly used method in the ethanol industry. The whole corn kernel is ground into a powder, mixed with recovered process liquids to form a mash (similar to oatmeal) and then cooked with enzymes that turn the starch into glucose. Yeast is added and the mash is fermented.
The resultant “beer” is distilled to separate the ethanol from the solids and remaining liquids. These are further processed to recover liquids for the mashing process, and to produce high protein livestock feed and distillers corn oil.
Annually Al-Corn Clean Fuel grinds 40 million bushels of corn and produces 120 million gallons of ethanol. The plant also produces 270,000 tons of high protein livestock feed and 28 million pounds of corn oil. The majority of these co-products are consumed by refiners, livestock feeders, meat packers and biodiesel producers throughout Minnesota.
Al-Corn Clean Fuel continues to utilize the best available control technologies in order to reduce energy consumption and production costs while at the same time increasing efficiencies and reducing emissions.
Al-Corn has reduced water consumption to less than 2.4 gallons of water per gallon of ethanol and was the first plant to achieve “zero liquid discharge”.
The company's energy conservation efforts have reduced the plant’s energy use by more than 35% compared to the original plant design.